Patient 1

Gynecomastia Repair

Dr. Nini performed gynecomastia on this male patient from New Jersey.

Individual results may vary.

Patient 2

Gynecomastia Repair

Dr. Wey performed gynecomastia with liposuction on this male patient from New Jersey.

Individual results may vary.

Patient 3

Gynecomastia Repair

Dr. Wey performed gynecomastia with liposuction on this male patient from New Jersey.

Individual results may vary.

Patient 4

Gynecomastia Repair

This is a 23-year-old man who presents with gynecomastia, which is male breast enlargement. The breast tissue often develops during adolescence and persists despite diet and exercise. Dr. Wey performed a direct excision through scars hidden along the side of the areola as well as liposuction to feather the edges and sculpt the chest wall.

Individual results may vary.


Gynecomastia Repair

Dr. Wey performed gynecomastia with liposuction on this 24-year-old, 6 ft tall, 200 lb male from East Brunswick, New Jersey. These after photos at six months.

Individual results may vary.


Gynecomastia Repair

This 25-year-old man has left-sided gynecomastia. His history was very interesting because 9 years earlier he was treated for a unilateral right gynecomastia. He explained that 3 years ago he began to notice enlargement of the left breast. Of course there was no evidence of endocrine abnormality which is sometimes the cause of gynecomastia. Dr. Nini performed peripheral liposuction feathering and direct surgical incision through a well placed scar around the areola. This is his result at 6 months.

Individual results may vary.


Gynecomastia Repair

This young man is a 13 year old referred to Dr. Nini for severe gynecomastia. His condition is similar to the tuberous breast condition which occurs in women. A combination of direct surgical excision and liposuction feathering was performed. These photographs are taken 6 months post-procedure. You can see that there is some residual nipple areolar redundancy. We expect this to improve as he matures and loses some of his baby fat. If not, a minor revision can always be performed.

Individual results may vary.


Gynecomastia Repair

This is a 15-year-old with a history of gynecomastia which has persisted for the past four years. His endocrine laboratory studies were normal. The gynecomastia repair was carried out using a combination of liposuction to contour the breast shape and direct surgical excision to remove the thickened glandular mass that typically rests behind the nipple areolar complex. Since the incision is placed around the perimeter of the areola, it is very well disguised. His photographs were taken six months after treatment.

Individual results may vary.


Gynecomastia Repair

This is a 25-year-old male who was concerned about his gynecomastia. He had 2 surgeries performed by Dr. Nini to correct his concerns. The first procedure was direct excision of the breast tissue with free nipple grafts and skin resection. The second procedure was the removal of excess lateral skin. Photos were taken 6 months after the second surgery.

Individual results may vary.


Gynecomastia Repair

Dr. Wey performed gynecomastia with liposuction on this male patient from New Jersey.

Individual results may vary.


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